Welcome to Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
A community church in Orange, Virginia
19103 Brick Church Rd, Orange Va 22960
Welcome to Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
A community church in Orange, Virginia
19103 Brick Church Rd, Orange Va 22960
A community church in Orange, Virginia
19103 Brick Church Rd, Orange Va 22960
A community church in Orange, Virginia
19103 Brick Church Rd, Orange Va 22960
Sunday School: 9:45-10:45 am
Main Service: 11am great video
Sunday 11:00 am
Search for us by searching "ALCF Orange"
Abundant Life is an independent, non-denominational church. We believe the fundamentals of the faith and preach the Bible unapologetically, in an expository style. We try to foster the feeling of a family discussing the truth of the Bible around a kitchen table. We seek to combine traditional worship with innovation as we glorify God through our time of devotion.
We seek to worship our great Savoir, be used by the Holy Spirit to build up and equip one another for the work of the ministry, and to go and preach the Gospel with our life and words till Jesus comes again.
We get together each Sunday because we believe the Christian life is one of community and fellowship. The Bible says that as iron sharpens iron, so we as Christians also sharpen each other in our faith. Join us this Sunday!
Check out our the Kids Corner of our website.
Check out our YouTube channel ALCF Orange for all past sermons (click here)
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Sign up to hear from us about schedule updates and events.
We love the people of Orange, and we would love to see you on Sunday.
Sunday School: 10:00am
Praise and Worship: 11:00 am
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 pm
Phone: (540) 672-9867
Email: ALCF@comcast.net